-nál több hirdető cég

The internship and fresh graduate job board.

Countrywide reach Quick recruitment Easy to use interface

illusztráció emberekről és számítógépről

Zyntern.com, the job board for career entrants

Zyntern is the job board for the next generation of employees. Our mission is to bridge the gap between companies and job seekers in a quick, easy and user friendly way. Every months, tens of thousands of young jobseekers use Zyntern to start their career.

You’re at the the right place to find the source of your new talents. Zyntern helps your company stand out from the noise and build your employer brand through a unique company profile and job postings.

Times working with companies
Filled position
Active job seeker in our database
Youngster found a job with our help

How Zyntern.com works

Attractive company profile and job ads

Enhance your employer brand through an attractive company career profile, introduce your work environment, teams, and your company’s daily life through photo and video contents.

Reach the right candidates directly

Jobseekers who meet the requirements about your job ad posted on Zyntern.com will be notified immediately of your position. And those interested can apply for your job by one-click submitting their profile. If you would like to screen the applicants on your own corporate career page, you can redirect them when they apply. 

Easy applicant screening, real time notifications, one click feedback

You get instant notification in your Zyntern profile or in email about every new applicant. You can also set daily, or weekly e-mail notifications.

And thanks to the predefined messages, you can accept or reject the shortlisted applicants from your Zyntern profile with a single click to inform them about the process.

Prices and packages

Choose the right option for your business. For custom packages and discounts or unique recruitment needs please contact us.

Free trial

pricing-freeCreated with Sketch.


Create your Zyntern Profile and try our job posting for free!
  • 15 day job ad, max 1 per 2 months
  • Maximum 2 applicants
  • Applicant Tracking System with statistics


pricing-proCreated with Sketch.

Pro Intern Advertisement

Choose our Pro intern ad if you are recruiting for an internship, student work, or volunteer work!
50 000
  • 30 days job ad
  • Unlimited applicants
  • Applicant Tracking System with statistics
  • Real-time notification to the target audience
  • Unique filter question
  • Redirect option to external link


pricing-featuredCreated with Sketch.

Pro Junior Advertisement

Choose Pro junior ad if you are recruiting for a fresh graduate job or junior job!
100 000
  • 45 days job ad
  • Unlimited applicants​
  • Applicant Tracking System with statistics​
  • Real-time notification to the target audience​
  • Unique filter question
  • Redirect option to external link
  • Junior highlight on the job card

Do you still have questions?

The greatest advantage of Zyntern is that it’s specifically targeting university students, recent graduates or juniors with some years of work experience, on a budget. It’s quick and easy to use, that makes young jobseekers simply love it.

after a quick registration you can create your company’s Zyntern company profile, where you can introduce your company to the new generation through photos and videos, all for free. You need to pay only for posting jobs by using your zyntern credits. The purchase of 1 PRO credit is required to post a 30 day Internship / Student Work / Volunteer Work ad. The purchase of 2 PRO credits are required to post a 45 day Fresh graduate / Junior, 1-3 years experience ad. Find out more about  how zyntern works.

Thanks to Zyntern’s smart algorithm, when you post a job, the jobseekers who match your position get a real time notification, which means you can get applicants even only within 1 minute of posting your ad while you have a coffee break. Your job ad is visible on Zyntern.com for 30/45 days, and you can even extend it by using another credit.

You can try Zyntern for free but with limitations. Trial job post are available for 15 days. You can post only 1 Trial ad at a time, and receive up to 2 applicants. If you want you want to get the most out of Zyntern, we definitely suggest using the Pro ad type.

You can bpurchase zyntern credits only as a registered company user. Log in to your profile and by clicking on Purchase button select your desired ad type, and after adding your company billing details you can submit your order and we’ll add your ordered credits to your company’s Zyntern profile.  You can pay for your credits based on the proforma invoice  you get in email.

Yes. Zyntern is Hungary’s most popular job board for intrens and recent graduate career entrants, presented in every university citie. We encourage you to post your open positions from all around the country because you can expect applicants from everywhere. 

Recruitment services

Stand out from the crowd! With Zyntern, besides single job ads, you can promote your open jobs and events in several ways. We can support your recruitment goals with targeted social media campaigns, posts and eDM newsletters. We can also help you get in touch with the specific student organisations and university departments.

In case you need professional support for the entire recruitment process we take over everything thanks to our Shortlist service and help you organize your online open day or unique recruitment event.

Zyntern Shortlist full service recruitment

Zyntern.com's team takes over the entire recruitment process from you. Tell us who you need and we'll bring you the best candidates.

Zyntern Shortlist full service recruitment

From HUF 400 000

Targeted social media campaign

Accelerate the efficiency of your job ads through targeted Facebook and Instagram campaigns.

Targeted social media campaign

From HUF 250 000

eDM newsletter campaign

Send a unique message about your job, career opportunities or events in a well designed, targeted email directly to your target group.

eDM newsletter campaign

From HUF 350 000 / campaign

Closed Facebook group campaign

Communicate online with the next generation of employees in closed facebook groups where they are the most active.

Closed Facebook group campaign

From HUF 70 000

OnBoard - Online open day event

Have an own online recruitment event which is all about introducing and building the employer brand of your company as well as recruiting from your target audience.

OnBoard - Online open day event

From HUF 380 000

Student orgs & university departments

Thanks to the active connections to more than 200 student organizations, university departments and career offices, we can help you get in touch with the best students countrywide.

Student orgs & university departments

From HUF 25 000

Zyntern HR Consulting Services

2500+ satisfied companies

More than 2500 corporation, as well as small and medium companies have already recruited and found their next generation of employees on Zyntern for internships, fresh graduate and junior positions, in business, commercial, engineering, IT and other fields.

Zyntern HR Consulting Services

Over the years, we have supported hundreds of our partners in achieving their recruitment, retention and employer branding goals. Whether it’s current or future HR challenges, internal or external employer branding, the Zyntern team is ready to serve our clients with knowledge, experience, unique methodologies and data-driven solutions based on labour market statistics and latest trends.

Let's get in touch!

Dávidházy László​

Company Relations Manager, Recruitment Ads services, +36205713685

Attila Balogi

Founder, CEO, Partnerships +36202331843

Zoltán Kispál

Company Relations Manager
Student employment services

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